Fraude a través de Paypal
cathiecodispot30340@gmail.com US_DIGITAL_SELLER

Email fraudulentocathiecodispot30340@gmail.com
Pseudónimo utilizadoUS_DIGITAL_SELLER
Contenido de la estafaThrilled to Confirm: Your iPhone Order is in Progress!

Agnes Richins
1:09 p.m. (hace 48 minutos)
para mí

Dear Victor Canela,

We are pleased to inform you that your order has been confirmed. Below are the details of your purchase:

Order ID: #IG#MQH2-OO3-RBA
Date: 22 February 2024
Product: iPhone
Quantity: 1
Amount: $540.89
Your order is now being processed and will be shipped to you shortly. We appreciate your business.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for choosing us!

8070 Kovacek Inlet,
Su Comentario / ExplicaciónI don't know anything about this transaction. It's wasn't me.

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